The sounds of the cosmophone

In its museophonic form, the Cosmophone associates sounds with the passage of cosmic particles. These sounds are meant to restore the spatial character of the phenomenon in a perceptual form. The physical characteristics highlighted by the sounds of the Cosmophone must allow the construction of a mental image of the phenomenon which is as realistic as possible.

Although the sound environment of the Cosmophone cannot be reproduced on a traditional stereophonic listening system, access to the following links makes it possible to better understand and listen to how a previously recorded sound can be transformed to give the sensation of a mobile source satisfying the following constraints. Unfortunately the translation of the following pages is currently pending. But you can use the pictures and the soundfiles in the original, french versions.

  1. Sonoric immersion in 3D (Immersion sonore tridimensionnelle, fr)
  2. Perceptive representation of straight trajectories (Rendu perceptif de trajectoires rectilignes, fr)
  3. Up/down orientation of particle trajectories (Orientation Haut/Bas des trajectoires des particules, fr)
  4. Feeling of speed and dynamices (Sensation de vitesse et de dynamique, fr)
  5. Feeling of infinite trajectories (Sensation de trajectoires infinies, fr)

Note: The sound examples presented on this site cannot be the object of a use other than private, unless an explicit agreement of the designers. For more information please contact: R. Kronland-Martinet

For the Cosmophone installed at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie (Paris), the implemented sounds were constructed from synthetic signals processed to meet these same constraints. Different sound effects were used depending on the type of event:

Sound associated to a passing muon
Sound associated to a cosmic shower

The general feeling is set up by a background music overlaid with the sounds of the cosmic events:

“Cosmophonie” by Richard Kronland-Martinet
Recorded sound extract of the Cosmophone at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie

Multiple variations can be obtained by modifying the sounds related to the cosmic events. A version using muffled sounds for the muons and wave sounds for the electromagnetic showers was made for the fiftieth anniversary of CERN in Geneva:

Extrait enregistré dans le Cosmophone au CERN

The musical and artistic use of the Cosmophone is an innovative way of associating Art and Science. The Marseille-based company Ubris Studio promotes this aspect. A musical work (Stars Peace 2), composed by J. Diennet, was presented at the fiftieth anniversary of CERN in Geneva:

“Stars Peace 2” by J. Diennet, presented at CERN

For further information on sound generation, please contact R. Kronland-Martinet.